HIDE single channel video | 2009

Description: Hide is a single channel video that was created as a form of subliminal time-based camouflage. Finding order in chaos and making chaos from order, this work is rooted in my obsessive tendency to obfuscate internal realities and to mask myself from my surroundings while concealing personal homoerotic moments and times of introspection. Hide exhibits a lust for vibrancy and the surreal to expose that which is beautiful to me through times of sorrow, joy, pain, reverie, longing, and fantasy.

This work is a journey through physical and psychological states that many gay men go through in various stages of their lives in which they feel the need to be hidden from the world, whether out of fear, the instinct to survive, or personal misunderstandings. These abstractly represented moments are private parts of behaviors and moods that I have experienced in my life and work as a gay man in contemporary American society.

Hide explores my need to hide and be deceptive at times. My occasional comfort in being hidden, and a yearning to ultimately find myself in a place of exposure that is safe and free from apprehension and imposed expectations from the outside world is also explored through this work.